Playerbots Guide

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  1. First of all download this addon:
  2. Place it in your World of Warcraft 3.3.5a\Interface\AddOns and make sure that u deleted -master from the folder name.
  3. Guide source: (ALL commnads for bots are .playerbots on our server)
  4. To link items to the chat press shift + right click on the item, make sure your chat is open.
  5. If there are any questions regarding bots use our Discord server!


    Operator's Manual


    1. You can choose to play alone, use Bots from around the world or create your own. 

      If you like to create your own Bots you have two options. You can easily create them with the help of MultiBot Addons or Create your own characters on one Accounts.

    2. If you prefer to play with more own charaters, create five characters of different classes (support, tank, DPS) on the same faction. Choose the character that will be your main and enter the server.
    3. Once you have entered the server, to add characters as bots to the group, type /bot in the chat (this only works if the addon is installed). A small window will appear with a green "Login All" button. Click on it, and all your characters will log in.
    4. Next, you will see a new button next to the "Login All" button. This new button will say "Join Group All." Click on it, and all your bots will join your group.
    5. If your bots die, you can disband them, log them out, and repeat the process in reverse order. They will appear alive again.


    The bots are programmed to respond to chat commands. The game addon is designed to make issuing those chat commands easier for the player, and though the desire is to make the addon a comprehensive solution, you may still have need for manual chat commands as you play.




    command   action
    .playerbots bot add name1,name2,name3   login alts
    .playerbots bot remove name1,name2,name3   logout alts
    .playerbots bot add *   login all alts
    .playerbots bot remove *   logout all alts
    .playerbots bot init=rare name1,name2,name3   respawn @ your level w/ max talents & rare gear (random bots only)



    The bots are programmed to respond to triggers by listing possible actions and choosing one based on a strategy:


    1. triggers - what is happening
    2. actions - what can the bot do
    3. strategy - what is the best action


    Strategies can be combined, so they merge their effects to produce desired choices. Bots use two categories of strategies: combat and non-combat. You can add, subtract, or toggle strategies using the combat and non-combat prefixes in your commands:


    co +strategy1,-strategy2,~strategy3
    nc +strategy1,-strategy2,~strategy3

    You can query the bot to report what strategies are currently being used:


    co ? nc ?


    You can issue orders and query the bot to report back at the same time:


    co +strategy1,-strategy2,~strategy3,? 

    nc +strategy1,-strategy2,~strategy3,?


    Combat Strategies


    strategy   description
    tank   use threat-generating abilities (warrior, paladin, druid will use bear)
    dps   use dps abilities (rogue, hunter, shaman, priest, druid will use cat)
    caster   wasn't in docs but is in game
    assist   target one mob at a time
    aoe   target many mobs at a time
    grind   attack any visible target, then switch to another one and so on.
    heal   focus on party healing (shaman, priest, druid)
    frostfire   mage only
    bearcatcaster   druid only
    bdps   buff dps (paladin will use seal of might)
    bspeed   buff movement speed (hunter only)
    bhealthbmana   buff health or mana (paladin will use seal of light vs seal of wisdom)
    rfirerfrostrshadowrnature   resistance stragegies (paladin auras and hunter aspects)




    • Tank classes default w/ tank aoe
    • Non-tank classes default w/ attack weak
    • Strategies that are incompatible, such as stay and follow, are ignored




    I think these commands can be used indepedently or as of co and nc strategies:


    command   action
    grind   attack anything
    follow   follow master
    stay   stay in place
    flee   flee with master (ignore everything else)
    runaway   kite mob



    You can control which items to loot (ll stands for loot list):


    command   action
    nc +loot   activate looting (note grind strategy activates looting as well)
    ll all   loot everything
    ll normal   loot anything except BOP (bind-on-pickup) items
    ll gray   loot only gray items
    ll quest   loot only quest items
    ll skill   loot only items based on their skills (herbalism, mining, or skinning)
    ll [item]   add specific item to loot list
    ll -[item]   remove specific item from loot list



    command   action
    [item]   bot will tell you how many it has, and quest status
    e [item]   equip item
    ue [item]   unequip item
    u [item]   use item
    u [item] [target]   use item on target (use gem on item)
    destroy [item]   destroy item
    s [item]   sell item
    s *   sell all grey items
    b [item]   buy item
    2g 3s 5c   give you gold
    bank [item]   deposit item in bank
    bank -[item]   withdraw item from back
    gb [item]   deposit item in guild bank
    gb -[item]   withdraw item from guild bank



    command   action
    accept [quest]   accept quest at the selected quest giver
    accept *   accept all quests at the selected quest giver
    drop [quest]   abandon quest
    r [item]   choose quest reward
    quests   show quest summary
    [quest]   show quest and objectives status
    talk   talk to the selected npc (to complete a quest)
    u [game object]   use game object (use los command to obtain the game object link)



    command   action
    los   enlist game objects, items, creatures and npcs bot can see
    stats   show stat summary (inventory, gold, xp, etc.)
    leave   leave party
    trainer   show what bot can learn from the selected trainer
    trainer learn   learn from the selected trainer
    spells   show bot's spells
    cast [spell]   cast the spell
    home   set home at the selected innkeeper
    summon   summon bot at the inn
    release   release spirit when dead
    revive   revive when near a spirit healer



    You can override everything and instruct the bot to do something specific:


    command   description
    do attack   attack target
    do loot   loot target
    do attack my target   attack my target
    do add all loot   check every corpse and game object for loot

    Example Macros



    To make bots flee with you from the danger:

    /p reset
    /p nc -stay,+follow,+passive
    /p co +passive
    /p do follow

    To make bots follow you and assist you in attack:

    /p nc -stay,+follow,-passive
    /p co -passive
    /p do follow

    To make bots stay in place and assist you in attack:

    /p nc -follow,+stay,+passive
    /p co +passive
    /p do stay




    The bot can tell you all available commands it will accept:

    /w help




    The bots will automatically do certain things based on what the party leader is doing.


    your action   bot reaction
    accept a quest   bot will accept it as well
    talk to a quest giver   bot will turn in his completed quests
    use meeting stone   teleport using the stone
    start using game object and interrupt   use the game object
    open trade window   show inventory and start trading
    invite to a party/raid   accept the invitation
    start raid ready check   tell his ready status
    mount/unmount   mount/unmount as well
    go through a dungeon portal   follow into the dungeon