MultiBot Addon

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First of all download this addon: MultiBot



Simply place the files in a folder called "MultiBot" in your World of Warcraft AddOns directory.
Example: "C:\WorldOfWarcraft\Interface\AddOns\MultiBot"


Start World of Warcraft and enter "/multibot" or "/mbot" or "/mb" in the chat.


Moving on screen

If you want to move icons around your screen, go to the blue icon    Right-Click to drag and move MultiBot


Current Status


This Picture shows the default MultiBot-Interface after start.


The horizontal Buttonbar is the Main-Control.

Commands from the Main-Control go to all

bots in a Group or Raid. Differences in functionality are commented on in the tooltips.


The vertical Buttonbar is the Playerbot-Selection.

Here you will find the Characters of your Account.

There is a button for each Character.


The Tooltip of a Character-Button shows you the Class and Name of the Character. This        should allow you to identify your characters.


With a Left-Click you can load your Character and have him automatically added to the        Party or Raid. The horizontal Buttonbar that appears is the Playerbot-Control.


You can use the Buttons on the left to adjust the Combat-Behavior of your Playerbot.


With the first Button on the right you can summon your Playerbot.


With the second Button on the right you can add or dismiss your Playerbot from the Party or Raid.


With the next three the Buttons you can adjust the Non-Combat-Behavior of your Playerbot.


The last button on the right opens the Inventory of the Playerbot.


A Left-Click on the Inventory-Button opens the Inspect- and Inventory-Window of your Playerbot. Notice: The Inspect-Window only will be open if the Playerbot is in reach.


The Inventory will automatically open in Sell-Mode. In the Sell-Mode a left click on a Item will sell it. Notice: You must have a Merchent as Target.


With this Button you can switch to the Equip-Mode. In the Equip-Mode a left click on a Item will equip it. Notice: Only works with Equipment.


With this Button you can switch to the Use-Mode. In the Use-Mode a left click on a Item will use it. Notice: Only works with usable Items.


With this Button you can switch to the Destroy-Mode. In the Destroy-Mode a left click on a Item will destroy it. Important: There is no security Quest and it will work with every Item.


Items can be viewed regardless of the selected Mode. Means: View-Mode is always active.


With a left click on the Character-Button you can hide and show the Playerbot-Control.


With a left click on the left Scroll-Button you can hide and show the Playerbots.


With a left click on the right Scroll-Button you can hide and show the Friendbots.


The vertical Buttonbar is the Friend-Selection. Here you will find the Characters of your Friendlist. There are max 10 Buttons visible.


With this Button you could browse throu your Friendlist. Each click will show the next 10 Characters. If you reach the End it starts from the Beginning.


You can limit the Selection to make it easier to find the wished Friendbot.


Simply press one of these Filter-Buttons to narrow down the Selection.


As you can see, the browse button has disappeared. This is because the Filter reduced the Selection to less than 10 Friendbots.


The filter shows you the current limitation. In this example, we filtered to Warrior.


This button is the result of our filter. The functionality is almost identical to that of the Playerbots. Therefore we save ourselves a further explanation.


This is the Tank-Attack-Button. A left click on the Button let all Tanks attack you Target.


This is the Attack-Actionbar. A left click on the Button executes the selected Action. A right click on the Button will show and hide the Optional-Actions. To replace the selected Action, right click a Optional-Action. To execute a Optional-Action, left click it. The default Action is "All attack my target".


This is the Modebar. A left click on the Button enables and disables the selected Mode. A right click on the Button will show and hide the Mode-Selection. To select another Mode, left click the Mode-Option. The Mode will activated by selection. The default Mode-Toggle is "passive".


This is the Stay-Follow-Toggle-Button. A left click on the Button sends the Stay-Command to the Party or Raid. Another left click on the Button sends the Follow-Command to the Party or Raid. The Icon will show the current State. The default State is "Follow".


This is the Flee-Actionbar. A left click on the Button executes the selected Action. A right click on the Button will show and hide the Optional-Actions. To replace the selected Action, right click a Optional-Action. To execute a Optional-Action, left click it.


This is the Formation-Selector. A left click on the Button will show and hide the Options. A left click on the Option-Button will send the corresponding Formation-Command to the Party or Raid. A right click on the Button will ask the Party or Raid for the current Formation.


This is the Beastmaster-Control. A left click on the Button will show and hide the Actions. A left click on the Action will send the corresponding Command to your Target, Party or Raid. It supports the "mod-beastmaster"-Module of the Azerothcore. These Buttons work with Target, Group and Raid.


This is the MultiBot-Control. A left click on the Button will show and hide the Controls. Here you will find the "reset", "reset botAI" and "naxx"-Commands for your Bots. These Buttons works with Target, Group and Raid.


This Button will send the "drink"-Command to the Party or Raid.


This Button will send the "release"-Command to the Party or Raid.


This Button will send the "revive"-Command to the Party or Raid.


This Button will summon all active Friend- and Playerbots.